Sunday, a day originally named in accordance to the 7 planets. Sunday a day dedicated to the Egyptian sun god (Ra).
Sunday; a day chosen by Christians as the day of worship because of the historical belief that Jesus Christ rose on a Sunday and early Christians historically assembled on a Sunday, this is a day Christian worshippers throng to places of worship, sanctuaries, kingdom halls, temples etc.
A saint doesn’t necessarily need church, a sinner certainly does, just like a healthy person doesn’t necessarily need hospital but they can still go for checkup, while a sick person needs a hospital. That is not a good excuse to avoid physical service though, personally I attend online church(e-Christianity).
Once of the least recognized reason for theism is the need to answer a philosophical question “Why am I here?” as a Judeo-Christian I’ll attempt to make sense of this in light of the bible and common sense.
Why am I here? Can be answered in a million ways, humans hold to different reasons why they are here, some believe they are here to propagate DNA, others think they are here to while away time, some believe they are manifestations of energy, and the question then is “why do you think you are here?”

As a Christian there are 2 specific reasons why you are here, one spiritual reason the other a secular reason:-
1) Higher Projected Reason(HPR): we are not going to be here for long, eventually everybody dies, like secularists would say YOLO(You Only Live Once), the question is what happens after death. That question is answered by what you do while you are alive, the spiritual reason is found in 2 key verses:-
Isaiah 43: 21 This people have I formed for myself; THEY SHALL SHEW FORTH MY PRAISE.
1Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should SHEW FORTH THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO HATH CALLED YOU out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Our personal testimony goes a long way than preaching, let me explain; two ladies tries to sell you makeup, would you buy from the ladies actually using the makeup or the lady who claims it is good but she hasn't used it?
We would be judged by what we did while on earth, part of showing God’s praise is obedience to the Great Commission and Showing Love to all and sundry, and very important is to point people to Christ as the ONLY WAY TO GOD.
2) Lower Projected Reason(LPR): A Christian song goes thus “Only remembered by what we have done”, this is the secular reason and is the only reason EVERYONE knows, simply because it has to do with your legacies. Nobody cares/knows if Steve Jobs is in heaven or hell, what we are all sure of is he left a lasting legacy.
As Christians there’s nothing evil/sinful about leaving legacies, most progenitors of modern science were strong Christians Galilee Galileo, Albert Einstein, Johannes Kepler(Cosmologist), Louis Pasteur(of Pasteurization and the first person to debunk the claims of Abiogenesis), Robert Boyles(Physicist famed for Boyles Law) etc.
Are you ashamed of being a Christian because people would call you archaic, radical, and outdated? It doesn’t really matter because eventually we are remembered by what we have done on earth, the good, the bad, the ugly and the best BUT God doesn’t care about those things what gets His attention is Holiness, for without it NO ONE will see Him.
In summary, the LPR determines how people remember you when you are gone(dead) while the HPR determines where you will spend eternity, and common sense would say invest heavily in HPR(appealing to Pascal Wager though).
If you as a sinner attend ANY church today and come back feeling good about your sins, I’ll implore you to stop attend that church. Why? Imagine if you will, you go to a hospital for headache, if after visiting the hospital constantly you have same headache, would you return another time?

